Lunch Time Activities
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Lunch Time Activities
Our lunchtime activities can vary to fit in with your schools specific needs. We have ran sessions for specific groups of children that would benefit from more structured sessions. We have also ran drop in sessions for children to attend if they wish, providing fun and educational activities. Our lunch clubs we have found can help with behaviour at lunchtimes, giving children something different and engaging to do during their break.
We have also helped devise structured playtimes where sporting activities are rotated on a daily basis.
We have also housed intra-competitions where house groups, classes or friendship groups compete during their lunch hour. We have ran World Cup football events for up to 32 KS2 teams to emulate the World Cup event, dodgeball tournaments where teams play in a league system, cricket/rounders games in their school houses.
Our Lunch time supervision has also involved smaller group sessions for either school teams attending a school games competition, behavioural groups and gifted & talented children who can be encouraged in a more competitive environment.